How Physiotherapy Helps Covid Patients Post-Recovery


The pandemic’s second phase has had quite a devastating impact. While the first wave primarily affected the elderly, the second wave has targeted the younger age groups. Infection with Covid-19 causes a multisystem inflammatory illness, with the most affected system being the pulmonary system.

The far more obvious indication of poor pulmonary concepts and insufficient arterial oxygen supply is stress on the oxygen transport system.

Patients are categorized into three parts that are mild, moderate, and severe with respiratory problems ranging from minor coughing to pneumonia and even a decline in oxygen saturation.

Patients will require good medical treatment, oxygenation support, or perhaps ventilation, depending on diagnostic criteria. But along with all these treatments, physiotherapy has also contributed to a great extent and been a catalyst for patient’s recovery after Covid.


Physiotherapy is essential in minimizing the influence of the ventilation imbalance on the oxygenation transport path in respiratory treatments.

Let us see what role physiotherapy plays in post-covid recovery.

1. Physiotherapy for covid-recovered patients helps in the following ways: 

  • Enhances post-acute Covid infections exercise tolerance by a clinically relevant proportion.
  • Decreases the number of postoperative complications.
  • Strengthens respiratory muscle performance whereas dyspnea, that is breathlessness, is minimized.
  • Improvement of upper and lower limb skeletal muscle function.
  • Teaches proper coping mechanisms for dealing with exhaustion while remaining productive and independent in daily activities.

2. Physiotherapy offers little more than a solution to strengthen – lung function, recondition, enhance endurance, stability, and participation in their social context, especially for elderly people with diabetes, hypertension, and those recovering even from pneumonia.

3.  Covid recovery breathing exercises: Breathing exercises in the prone position can improve lung function in mild to moderate cases and even after Covid.

4. Lying down in a prone position can help you get more oxygen.

5. For years, individuals with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) have been treated by resting prone or on their stomachs.

6. Diaphragmatic breathing: The diaphragm is a large dome-shaped muscle that lies behind the lungs. It is the major respiratory muscle. The diaphragm descends when we breathe in and rises when we exhale.

7. Thoracoabdominal breathing occurs when we breathe through our upper chest rather than our diaphragm.

8. Early Mobilization Exercises. In Post-COVID rehabilitation, early mobilization motions and exercises may include:

  • Mobility in the bed
  • Simple workouts to do in bed
  • Changing positions regularly
  • Movements from sitting to standing
  • Exercises for Active Daily Living (ADLs)

9. Patients may perform active limb exercises and later carry out progressive muscle strengthening exercises for six weeks. All these exercises are carried out under the physiotherapist.

10. Simple exercises like walking or arm ergometry can assist the patient in regaining aerobic fitness. Also, increasing the length of aerobic exercises from 20 to 30 minutes over time helps in building stamina.

11. Physiotherapy for the lungs in post-COVID rehabilitation: Airborne precautions are required in individuals who undergo sputum-producing treatments during post-COVID rehab.

12. They may benefit from respiratory physiotherapy from qualified physiotherapists. Physiotherapists can also support the patient with tasks such as transitioning from a lying to a sitting posture, walking, and prone positioning.

13. Physiotherapists might take extra precautions throughout post-COVID rehab.

14. When practicing physio exercises during rehabilitation, a pulse oximeter is used to measure your oxygen levels and heart rate before starting your workout and throughout breaks.


Recovering from covid is indeed a boon. At the same time, it is equally important to get back to a normal lifestyle after recovering from it. And it is possible with a proper physiotherapy program.

Schedule your appointment at

CRM Wellness for physiotherapy rehabilitation post-covid-19 in Los Angeles.


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